Environmental Considerations

Environmental Impact Assessment

An Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA assesses the potential effect an operation of this nature would have on its surrounding environs. It is a detailed assessment and is used extensively to assist in the planning determination process. This in turn is accepted as the Environmental Statement.

The areas covered are as follows:

  • Consultation with Planning Authorities including a Scoping Report that outlines in detail the nature of the processes and proposed operations.
  • A detailed introduction.
  • Description of the existing site.
  • How the planning application sits within existing planning policy.
  • Alternative sites and schemes.
  • Consultation.
  • Cultural heritage. 
  • Land use
  • Landscape and visual effects.
  • Social and economic effects
  • Contaminated land review.
  • Remediation options and risk assessment.
  • Drainage and flood risk assessment.
  • Odour management plan.
  • Air quality assessment.
  • Traffic and transport assessment.
  • Noise survey
  • Full ecological survey

The results of this assessment are available from your local authority who make them available locally, in a library for example.

Environmental Permitting Regulations

The Environmental Permitting (EP) Regulations came into force on 6 April 2008. These new regulations will make existing legislation more efficient by combining Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) and Waste Management Licensing (WML) regulations.

The EP Regulations will dictate how Enviroparks operates its site, and importantly ensure that any emissions from the site remain within European and UK limits through a strict monitoring programme.

Enviroparks will have to satisfy Natural Resources Wales that it has the technology and expertise to meet the conditions of the EP Regulations.

The application is onerous and detailed, and once submitted takes a minimum 4 months for Natural Resources Wales to consider. Throughout the application process Natural Resources Wales can request more information.There will be public consultation throughout the permitting process and it is estimated this complete process will take about 10 months.

The whole application is kept within the public domain and will be able to be viewed through appointment at the Environment Agency's office in Wales where it will be submitted.

The first permit issued by Natural Resources Wales was granted 2014 and relates to the Fuel Preparation Plant. Enviroparks are currently preparing to vary this permit to include gasification