The office for the Hirwaun project is in Abergavenny. Enviroparks' development directors are advised by a team of experienced consultants who specialise in the individual components of the scheme. Companies working on the project are:
Zeus Renewables Ltd
Advise on corporate matters and investment.
Best International Ltd
Provide funding for the project development
Pinsent Mason /NRF
Legal and contractual advisors
Biomass Power Ltd
They provide the gasification technology and Enviroparks will be the fourth plant built in the UK.
OKAY Engineering Ltd
Fuel Preparation plant design and installation.
EPT Architects
Building Design
Advise on planning permission.
Chandler KBS
Quantity Surveyors and contractual advisers
Dawnus Construction Ltd
Civil Engineering and construction.
Advise on environmental permitting and continued compliance with respect to environmental matters and reporting to Natural resources Wales.
Civil engineering and structural design
Balance of plant design, process integration and principle designer with respect to Health and Safety